Morrowind progress of truth
Morrowind progress of truth

morrowind progress of truth

He suggested I join the Fighters Guild, or Mages Guild, or Imperial cult, advance in the ranks, gain skill and experience, or go out on my own, get freelance work. And he also told me to establish a cover identity as a freelance adventurer. Spymaster Caius Cosades gave me 200 gold to spend as I please. Caius Cosades will be my Spymaster, and I'll follow his orders. And, by the Emperor's command, Caius Cosades has inducted me into the Blades, the Imperial Intelligence service, with the rank of Novice. I have given Caius Cosades the package of documents. When I find Caius Cosades, I must give him a package of documents, and wait for further orders. To find out where he lives, I should ask in Balmora at the cornerclub called South Wall. My orders are to go to the town of Balmora in Vvardenfell District and report to a man named Caius Cosades. But Hassour Zainsubani invited me to ask any questions I wish, and perhaps I can learn some other useful information from speaking with him. Hassour Zainsubani gave me some notes where he has written what he thinks I need to know about the Ashlanders and the Nerevarine cult. When I have the information, I'm to report back to the Spymaster. Then I'm to give him the gift, and ask him to tell me about the Ashlanders and the Nerevarine cult. He gave me 100 gold and told me to find out what Zainsubani likes, and get him a gift. The Spymaster has sent me to see a fellow named Hassour Zainsubani, an Ashlander who left the Wastes to become a wealthy trader in Ald'ruhn.

morrowind progress of truth

Mehra Milo says I must get a copy of 'Progress of Truth' to give to the Spymaster.īoderi Farano, the publican of the Ald Skar Inn, says that Hassour Zainsubani has many books in his room, and perhaps that would be a suitable gift. A book "Progress of Truth" describes the beliefs of the Dissident priests. A group called the Dissident priests disputes Temple doctrine on the Nerevarine prophecies.

morrowind progress of truth

Mehra Milo says the Temple persecutes the Nerevarine cult because they claim the Tribunal are false gods. She says to meet with me in the back of the library. I found Mehra Milo at the Hall of Wisdom, but she says she cannot talk with me. The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind Tribunal Complete Dialogue

Morrowind progress of truth